Thursday, April 19, 2007

Daily roundup

Today's likes: Mommy (I declared her to be my "best friend forever" and gave her a big hug today); using diaper wipes to "clean" my crayons and create interesting color effects

Today's dislikes: Kermit the Frog (whenever I see him, I say, "I scared Ke-mit!")

Antic of the day: This morning around 6:45, Mommy was blissfully asleep when I started making funny grunting noises. Although she tried to ignore me, I finally declared, "I wet PJs, Mommy!" When she finally dragged her lazy butt over to investigate, I was lying in my crib with a big smile on my face, clad only in my diaper, having already shed my soaked green feetsie PJs after a struggle with the zipper.