Mommy claims her computer is not working, so I can't get my message out for time being. Talk about prior restraints! (Unfortunately, as I've gathered from reading Mommy's BarBri outline, Mommy probably isn't a state actor, so I'm out of luck under the First Amendment. On a side note, babies should totally be a protected class! But I digress...)
You will not be able to see adorable pictures of me for about a week. But here are a few cute anecdotes I am smuggling in via a co-conspirator (does anyone see a hearsay exemption here?).
I thrilled Mommy and Grandma by demonstrating my dance skills to the bad Muzak at Wendy's the other day. I think I'm ready for "Dancing with the Stars"!
Last night Grandma had some strips of fish cake sitting on the countertop waiting to be rolled up into sushi. While Mommy and Grandma weren't paying any attention, I grabbed a strip, then waved it triumphantly and ran away.
At the market last night, I heard a baby screeching, so I began to screech really loudly, too. And boy, do I have a pair of lungs!
I refused to be put into my carseat on the way home from the market, declaring, "No carseat! Nuri drive!"
I ate a pear for breakfast this morning and remembered that the "Very Hungry Caterpillar" also ate some pears ("Cat-ah-pillah eat peah! Nuri eat peah!"). And you all know what happened to him...
That's all for now, folks. I gotta catch up on my beauty sleep.