Friday, August 17, 2007

"T" is for "teppanyaki"

When Great-Aunt Betsy sent me a cool new tapir for my birthday, I had no idea why Mommy insisted on naming it "teppanyaki." Today, in honor of Daddy's last day of work, she finally deigned to let me in on the secret. I found the pyrotechnics a bit over the top, to be honest, but the egg tossing antics were so diverting that I have been practicing with imaginary eggs all evening (and supplying my own applause after the egg lands on my chef's hat).

They gave me a pair of trainer chopsticks, which I expertly employed to shovel vast quantities of fried rice, shrimp, and chicken into my mouth. I flirted with a baby girl about 2 years my junior as well as a blonde who was 2 years my senior, a la Age of Love. All in all, it was a very enjoyable evening, even if I wasn't the guest of honor.