Saturday, January 20, 2007

The daily roundup

Today's likes: Sticky doughballs, cleaning up my high chair with the dustbuster, singing the "Hokey Pokey"

Today's dislikes: Having Daddy open my fruit snacks for me--doesn't he realize that I'm a completely autonomous human being (i.e., not a baby?)

New words: dough, liver (from a very interesting cover story on the WSJ--no, Daddy, you don't get dibs on my liver until you get me that Baby Genius Sleepytime dvd)

Antic of the day: At Gold's gym daycare, I allegedly climbed over a gate to get into the movie room, climbed up two large steps, and deposited myself into an Exersaucer before I was caught. What gave it away was my maniacal, triumphant screaming. Gotta be a little more subtle next time...