Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pictures of Korea - Day 12 (Busan)

We started the day at the Busan Sea Life Aquarium in Haeundae, then hiked up to Yongdusan Park to try to find old guys playing go but were disappointed to see they were playing Chinese chess instead. We hung out at Twosome Place, our favorite cafe, to cool down and Geo spent the afternoon hanging out in a jacuzzi. We capped off the day at Line Friends, of course, where Mommy indulged her Shooky obsession.

Dabbing with the penguins

Enjoying one of the many staged photo opps

Geo practicing more dabbing

Otter feeding

Geo with narae (wings)

Ice kings

Trapped in a fake snowglobe

Busan Tower!

Finally, we found Admiral Yi

George and Pluto, his new penguin friend

Bubble bath

Daddy and Henry watching "Baduk TV"

Pluto chilling in Mommy's new Shooky cup