Friday, March 9, 2007

Daily roundup

Today's likes: Gold's Gym daycare, after a month-long hiatus (I ran in and didn't even look back at Mommy, who was expecting a meltdown--gosh, she really has no faith in me!)

Today's dislikes: When Mommy turned the Wiggles CD off in the car (when I woke up prematurely from my nap, the first thing I said was "Mommy turned off Wiggles CD!")

Phrase of the day: At Sam's Club, I loudly announced, "Mommy take off PANTS!!!"

Antic of the day: When I saw a frying pan at Sam's Club, I screamed "Egg! Grandma make egg!" (Grandma and I scrambled an egg every morning in LA, but I refuse to let Mommy do it in Charlottesville--it's just not the same!)