Sunday, November 29, 2020

My Pompom

Henry and Mommy saw an adorable Santa penguin at a toy store last year and had to have it. His name is Pompom, and he is the source of a ton of drama. Everyone insists he is theirs, so "MY Pompom!" is frequently shouted. When learning Japanese, George quickly became able to claim Pompom as his: boku no Pompom desu!

Georgie the Language Nerd

George has been trying to learn several written languages, including Japanese, Korean, Cyrillic, and Hebrew. It is exhausting trying to chase down new dictionaries and flashcards all the time. He is also trying to help Mommy learn Japanese but she is a slow learner. George learned all his kana in less than a week and has moved onto Kanji, while she is only halfway through hirigana. He also creates his own written languages and is working on a dictionary.
Language explosion

A hirigana worksheet he made for Mommy

Fun with Cyrillic 

More Cyrillic 

Korean study
Hangul is fun!