Monday, February 24, 2020

The Blob Post

Once upon a time, Henry and George invented this new creature called the "blob." He was a puffball with sticky googly eyes affixed to him. Then the idea took off, and soon there were hundreds of blobs invading our house. They decided to build a wall around "Blob City" to protect themselves from Mommy, who often threatened to come after them with the vacuum. Their leader, Blobius Rex, is the giant black blob on the throne.

The reason Mommy hates the blobs is that they have vowed to steal her identity along with BBB, who is often lurking in her purse to find her credit card information. The blob below, "James Blob," is an agent from His Majesty's Secret Service. However, the blobs claim they are innocent and it is only BBB trying to steal her social security number and other personal data.

George loves the blobs so much that he designed this year's Pinewood Derby car to be a tribute to the blobs. Guess who won first place for design in his den?

Of course, when we bought a robot vacuum, the first thing George and Henry did was put some blobs on top for a nice ride. Then they decided the robot could be an honorary blob.

Is it spring yet?

Henry bought a Line Friend in Korea named Otto Brown, a bear in an otter skin. Since he is a bear, he spent the winter in Henry's room hibernating. Then he made a surprise appearance last week when he allegedly woke up too early. Henry set a reminder alarm to wake Otto back up on his birthday next month. We will keep you posted when he wakes up again.