Monday, December 9, 2019


BBB came to Boulder for a little day trip and enjoyed the experience.

BBB having a snack before eating a bbbanh mi. Unfortunately, it was filled with pork, not bbbugs.

Isn't it way past your bbbedtime?

Not a bbbackseat driver

Monday, December 2, 2019

Not a fan of hotel breakfast?

Dinosaur National Monument

We took a little Thanksgiving road trip to Vernal, Utah, to see Dinosaur National Monument. We also managed to hike to Moonshine Arch, which was tricky because there are no signs and it's a mile off the road. No fewer than three Chimmies accompanied us, as well as a tapir and BBB the bat. Geo was sad he couldn't fit Duck in his suitcase.

Tapir sniffing some tasty bananas.

Posing in front of dinosaur bones.

More dinosaur bones.

Tapir is enjoying the display.

Hard-to-find Moonshine Arch.

Fun with Line Friends

George and Henry love Line Friends, as we all know. Here they are with some Line Friends Christmas loot. (They do NOT like BTS, though, and strenuously deny that they are--or ever will be--part of ARMY.)


Geo let us cut his hair after some intense bribery. Mommy is finally realizing that he is a master con artist!

