Friday, September 28, 2018

95 theses?

George loves to leave little notes lying around (either a symptom or a cause of loving Post-It Notes). Here is a note Mommy found on her bedside table this afternoon:

"Mommy: I relly hate that Henry has to yell at me when I go in his room. He could just talk, not yell. He atcs like its a palase and he onws it. I was just sliping a note into his room."
Here is the note he was trying to leave in Henry's room:

"Henry: The drawer next to my craft kit is a pencel tradeing place. Put dull pencels at the top. Trade them for sharp."

Monday, September 24, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018


Mommy loves a good road trip, especially when National Parks are involved. So off she dragged us to Yellowstone over Labor Day weekend to gawk at wildlife and geological wonders.
Buffalo sighting near Old Faithful - Henry used to think buffaloes are the biggest things that exist. They are large for sure, but maybe not bigger than the universe...
Waiting for Old Faithful to blow

Grand Prismatic Spring - luckily, no one fell in (or was pushed)

Chilling near Yellowstone Falls

Contemplating the meaning of life?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018