Saturday, August 17, 2013

Garden of the Pests

We took an impromptu hike in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We saw a bighorn sheep but no rattlesnakes, unfortunately (reptiles are cool no matter what Mom says!)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Evergreen Lake

Our obligatory weekend hike was a half lap around Evergreen Lake, followed by some impromptu gymnastics. Weekends in Denver are fun, even the crazy hailstorms.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Take a hike

Our first weekend in Colorado was fun. We checked out a great park and took a hike, pesty-style. George stopped every five feet to pick up dirt and take a swig of water. Occasionally, he would try to eat pine cones. We finally made it around a half-mile loop with a little parkour thrown in for good measure.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Birthday boy

Georgie's second birthday dinner featured questionable crayon placement, singing waitresses, and a ginormous cookie sundae.