Friday, January 29, 2010


Happy birthday to me! Five is a big milestone, and now Mommy is starting to freak out about kindergarten and college and all sorts of things in between. But for the time being, I think I am going to enjoy swinging on the rings Daddy installed in our family room and my new Transformer shoes and other kid things.

Thanks to everyone who sent me cool presents and birthday wishes. P.S. Who sent me that Lego gift card that just arrived? It didn't have a name on it, but I'd really like to say thanks!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finding Nemo?

This morning, Mommy asked Henry, "Do you want to find Daddy?" To which he replied, "Find Nemo!"

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today, Daddy was commenting on how Henry must not find Mommy cozy because his naps with her are so much shorter. So Mommy demanded to know, "Who is cozier, Mommy or Daddy?" To which the impudent scamp replied, "Mousie cozy!" (referring, of course, to his beloved stuffed rodent friend).

Clothes fight!

Henry and I invented a new game, whereby we throw the clean laundry at each other while Mommy tries to fold and organize it. Also, we wear the laundry when it suits us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Talking back

Thanks to my linguistic prowess, Henry is learning how to talk in leaps and bounds. Here are some anecdotes:

(1) When Henry ate his first bite of cupcake, he said, "Mmm, good!" Then he looked at Mommy, smiled, and said, "Mommy good!"

(2) When Henry stood on top of Mommy's legs to watch Sesame Street, she asked, "Why do you always have to stand on me?" To which he replied, saucily, "Because" (his first time using that word!).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mamie hair . . . ALLGONE!!

So said Henry after Mommy shaved his head.