Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dough-nut boys

Hair update, 8/30/09

Henry's hair is starting to flatten out a bit, so we've been propping it up with a blow drier.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another failed hair experiment

5 seconds after Mommy slicked his hair down with water, it was starting to spring back up.

Hair update, 8/15/09, part II

Hair update, 8/15/09, part I

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Henry hair update

We are still trying to see how high Henry's hair will grow, but out of curiosity, Mommy tried flattening it out with mousse to see how it looks. Unfortunately, within a half hour, his hair began springing back up, and he's now back to the Kim Jong-Il look.

Cereal silliness

And the smile that wrinkles your nose...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New words update, 8/8/09

Here are Henry's latest new words:

1) Ball
2) Tada!
3) Boo!
4) Shoe
5) Da-dai ("outside")

Erratum: "up" apparently means "help," not up as previously reported.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New words update

1) Ow--"cat" (short for "meow"); often uttered when glimpsing Hello Kitty products

2) Ilk--"milk"

3) Gee--"OJ"

4) Up--can also mean "down," just as ba-baaaa means give or take

5) Gah--"car" and other mechanical objects, such as helicopters and ceiling fans

Not-so-bad hair

Worse hair week

No sign of flopping over yet.